Times have changed.
For example: The other day I went to Sainsburys, bought some Pié D'Angloys cheese (best cheese in the world), 3 kilo Greek yoghurt and a lot of free range eggs for a big baking project.
I had approximately 9 items in my hands and just a tiny handbag. When I placed the items on the belt the till lady asked: "
Do you need a baaaag?"
"No darling," I thought. "I don't need a bag. I will put the items in my invisible rucksack.
"I think I might need one." I replied just as polite instead. The people who were standing behind me rolled their eyes.
"Another environment terrorist!" I could hear them thinking. "Why doesn't she just bring her own bloody bag?"
A few days later I bought a book - one book - at Waterstone's. Again, my small handbag was too small for it.
"Do you need a baaaag?"
"I think I might need one."
For the second time in a week I was given the environment terrorist looks. Mrs. Waterstone's took forever to look for a plastic bag. Eventually she gave me the smallest she could find. My book just fit in. Just! I won't be able to use it as a bin bag though...
After I paid she gave me the till receipt. It measured just over 30 cm! For one book! Now, that's amazing considering how concerned these guys are about the environment isn't it?
Maybe, instead of them asking us if we really need a bag (that we can recycle) they should ask us if we really need a mile-long sales receipt (which will be thrown anyway)!
Now, there's a thought!