March 30, 2010

Proporta´s Turbocharger für Autos - einfach genial! (D)

Der Turbocharger von Proporta (Kfz Ausgabe) lädt jetzt sogar das Auto auf!!
Das Teil ist so praktisch und so klein dass es locker ins Handschuhfach passt - und trotzdem so stark dass man damit seine Batterie aufladen kann. Einfach unglaublich.

Für den Preis lohnt es sich wirklich sich den Turbocharger zuzulegen.

Ich möchte auf alle Fälle nie mehr ohne ihn Unterwegs mit dem Auto sein.

Nur € 54.95
bei Proprota!

Mum sent a parcel (E)

Yesterday at work a parcel arrived from my mum. Hooray!!! In it was a book on UFO´s and another book on "mysteriously disappeared persons". Gosh.

Usually she sends me stuff that interests her but not really me. But since she is my mum and I have inherited her genes I guess she assumes that we must share the same taste.

For example, recipes for a Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte. Or supposedly funny jokes she found in magazines. Or a zillion chewing gums (I have not eaten chewing gum in like 10 years...). Or books that I must read because everyone is reading them now and they are so much talked about (eg Maria ihm schmeckt´s nicht).

I don´t like Maria ihm schmeckt´s nicht because it is silly. It is supposed to make you laugh because of the cultural differences (German man and Italian woman fall in love, he´s visiting her family). The demure German guy vs the temperamental Italian family. German correctness vs Italian disorganisation. German Sauerkraut vs Italian Pasta.

It sometimes makes me wonder why books at this level of entertainment are much more promoted rather than literature that stimulate your mind. Actually it does not really make me wonder anymore, it just confirms what I have been suspected for a long time... Baa baa black sheep - throw away your TV!

Anyway, I am reading Helmut Schmidt´s Men and Powers at the moment and I am not even into politics! Helmut Schmidt is one of the most fascinating figures in German history. He did stand for what he believed in and he was not afraid to raise his voice. He had an aggressive and authoritarian way of restraining the young Generation at this time and he did it in a way that hardly anyone has done before and since.

If I had to choose the one German I look up to, it would be him. And noone else.

Thank you Mr Schmidt for keeping my braincells intact!

However, this

March 12, 2010

Was man alles im Müll tun kann...

Manche Hinweise sind notwendig. Manche überflüssig. Manche hilfreich und manche irritierend.

Wenn man diese Tage durch Brighton´s Straßen schlendert und an öffentlichen Mülleimern vorbeikommt lohnt es sich einen näheren Blick darauf zu werfen.

Dies ist einer der Mülleimer. Eine schwarze Tonne mit einer Öffnung in der man dann seine ungewollten Sachen hineinwirft:

Bei genauerem Hinsehen bemerkt man dass sich dort ein Aufkleber mit einem äußerst wichtigen Hinweis befindet:

Klettern Sie nicht und schlafen (!) Sie nicht in diesem Mülleimer. Dies kann zu schweren Verletzungen oder zum Tod führen.

Nun stellt sich also die Frage WARUM sollte jemand in diesen Mülleimer klettern? Zu wenige Wohnungen? Zu teure Wohnungen? Zu schlecht isolierte Wohnungen? Weil es “in” ist?

Sagen Sie uns warum…

March 07, 2010

Charity- And Environment Bullies! Beware! (E)

Sainsburys. Again. I think I will do my shopping somewhere else from now on. Why? Well, they are bullies. Environment bullies. And charity bullies.

Oh yes, and they don´t know nothing about beer. Hoegaarden, the best beer in the world (which must be drank with a slice of lemon) is not only totally overpriced but also labelled with "try with indian food". Indian food? Are you kidding me? Maybe with moule-frites (the Belgian traditional dish) but certainly not with Indian food.

Remember last time I was there and the lady asked me if I really needed a bag? Well, it happened again. But this time it was worse.

So I go to Sainsburys, after a long day at work, just to buy a couple of things because I really fancy a steak and Sainsburys are quite good when it comes to organic meat. "Taste the difference" they call their organic range.

Talking about tasting the difference, you do really taste the difference when it comes to organic meat (especially pork chops) but unfortunately you also taste the diffence in their "Taste the difference sausage range". With them one often wishes one would actually NOT taste any bleeding differnce. Why? Well, stuffing sausages with Red wine and Apples and all sorts of weird things that can go anywhere BUT into sausages just isn´t right. BELIEVE ME. I come from sausage paradiese Germany and that rubbish does by definition NOT go into sausages. Bread does not either by the way!!

Anyway, back to my lovely Sainsburys experience.

I bought about 10 items and did not have a bag with me as usual. In other supermarkets they notice that and even ask you if you need any help with packing (Look you Germans, you are rubbish at that! Meaning this kindness does not exist in Germania! Brits are much better at this!). However, this lady saw from the corner of her eye that I did not start packing. (Maybe she was German). So I asked her: "Could I have a bag please?" She threw one at me, of course again with a thought bubble that said "environment terrorist" . Whatever.

When it came to pay my items she asked me if I wanted to donate my vouchers to any kiddies in need. "No I don´t." I said. My Gosh. I could see the indignation in her eyes. How dare she not donating her vouchers to underprivileged kids? Well darling, life is expensive in the UK, especially when you are single or pensioner, and the whole point of vouchers is to save some money on your shopping. Why don´t YOU put your prices down a penny or two and donate to the kiddies in need then, eh? To have 10 Quit less in our pockets does hurt us, it would not hurt you!

"If you don´t want to donate your vouchers to underprivileged kids do you at least (!) want to donate your nectar points to underprivileged kids?"

Hello-o? "No I don´t." I said again. Not only did I get the bad looks from the lady on the till but also from the single mums and dads who were behind me in the queue. "Why doesn´t she help the poor kids in the world?" I heard a small girl innocently asking her father. "She probably doesn´t have any kids." he replied so everyone could here it.

Bingo. No, I don´t have kids. Therefore I don´t care about kids don´t I? Well, I care a lot about chicken, I don´t eat them. Do you care about chicken? No you don´t. You buy them, not even organic ones, buy one get one free and eat them without even thinking of what life (or better: existence) they had and what pain and torture they had to go through before they were finally killed and put into small bags just to satisfy your need to have chicken!!!! Does your donating points and vouchers make you a better person? It sure does not!

I don´t mind charity. I have nothing against charity. I am happy to do my contribution at work where I know where my money goes to in the end and that there is noone else involved who wants to get their hands on some of it. I just don´t like it when the guilt card is being played or when big so-called charity organisations are involved.

Therefore, sorry Sainsburys, I will continue to keep my vouchers AND my nectar points and continue to use as many shopping bags as possible.

I have spoken.